CW Stageblog


Hey Communication Science student!

As a communication Science student myself, I interned at a communication agency called Reale Communication. Their headline is ‘making royal communication reality’.
You may wonder, as I did the first time a read it, what is royal communication?

Well, while working there I discovered that royal communication was used to describe high-end communication. And making this reality was focusing on helping all kinds of businesses, regardless of their background or budget. As long as what they had now was pretty bad…

Personally, I loved to be part of such a positive change in company. As we worked mainly with companies that had been existing for quite a while and started to be outdated, helping them renew their website, branding, social media etc. really revitalized every client we had. I was happy to be part of that.

What did I learn? Small changes can have a great effect, as long as they are really thought through and based on something. It is so important to know your audience and their language. How do you discover this? Be curious!
Ask lots of questions, to everyone. The funny thing is, at the beginning, I felt stupid when asking so many questions, however, it turned out that everyone loved it. Because people want to feel appreciated, and asking questions is a sign of appreciation and interest.

What did I do? As the company I interned for was a starting one, I was super involved in everything and part of the team. TIP: intern at a small company if you want to learn a lot of different aspects of the job and are not a lover of structure. I helped create strategies, research target audiences, prepare pitches and of course, managed social media channels. Personally, I am not a great fan of managing social media channels, however if you are very structured and worked well in advance it can be really fun. TIP: Never ever ever find yourself in a situation where you need to come up with a social media post for the same day. It won’t work!

Would I recommend my internship company? YES!
It was a great experience; I’ve learned a lot and was part of a great team. We’ve been through so much together in a short period of time. It was a very dynamic company; I had a lot of freedom to evolve myself and learn many new things. NOTE: This was not a corporate company! If you love structure and want very clear instructions on what to do, this is not the right company for you. However, if you are curious, and want to explore the field and which position is best for you in it, this is the perfect place!
Everything was executed with taste and love.

Thank you for reading this blog and I wish you luck on your internship journey!



