CW Stageblog

A day in the life of a comms intern

My alarm goes off at 7:30. I hit the snooze button. 10 minutes later my alarm goes off again, this is the second chime nudging me to wake up and head to the office. 

I walk into the office at about 9:30 with coffee in hand and we start off with our weekly monday meeting in which we share our previous successes and our main focuses for the week. On monday my morning is usually fairly full with catch-up on the projects we are working on, the questions we have for the upcoming week etc. In between I answer emails (as I control our main line of contact with our community) and make sure that all questions people have are answered. In the afternoon the bell is rung and we all sit down and enjoy lunch together. Within our organization we all get assigned a day to cook for the rest of the team meaning we all get to enjoy a freshly cooked meal. I must admit however that cooking is probably my worst skill. After lunch I divide the rest of my day into tasks that I need to complete before the end of day and tasks that can be moved to the next day. I start off by doing my weekly post on Instagram of one of our new and up and coming projects  Iand think up a witty caption that encompasses the essence of the project. Before posting I walk by our communications manager and get the final okay. I then move on to updating the platform of our recent challenge based on the stage we are in. As we are currently announcing the winners I prepare a website announcement that showcases the winners and updates the rest of the existing pages. Besides that I spend an hour or two working on content strategy updates and think up new ways in which we can reach our target audience. As this is a team effort I enter a brainstorming session with the relevant team members and we sit together and think up ways to do this. At 18:00 PM my day reaches its end and I wrap up all urgent cases, check my email once more in case any community members have reached out and create a list of tasks for  the next day. Typically I chat to my colleagues a bit and then head out.



