CW Stageblog

The last week of my internship

Utrecht, 26/06/2024

Do not worry, I won’t provide you with my planning of every second of every day of my last week as an intern. What I will share with you, is what I’m looking forward to. Both at the end of the week, which is, of course, the weekend, and next week, which is my first week as an employee. Yes, I will be saying goodbye to the word ‘intern’ at the end of my emails.  

Thursday is my last day as an intern. However, given the fact that the internship report deadline is on Friday, let’s just be realistic and assume my weekend starts on Saturday.

Saturday morning

What will I be doing with all my new-found skills, connections and knowledge? Nothing, but I won’t sleep in either. No, my Saturday will be relaxed and probably very similar to my other Saturdays. Actually, Saturday will be my last singing class of the year. But, unlike the UvA, my singing teacher does not care about how many new connections I made during my internship and that I once designed a nice Facebook banner. My singing teacher just wants me to sing on the right pitch and, most of the time, legato. Although, I am oversimplifying it.

How will I fill the Canva-shaped gap in my heart?

How will I express my creativity if it isn’t through designing social media posts? Perhaps I will bake something. A banana bread, or perhaps something more courageous, like miso blondies. When the treat is done, I’ll plate a piece really beautifully, perhaps with some molten chocolate, and take a photo. Then, or maybe already while the (not yet-)baked goods are in the oven, I will come up with a slogan. Something persuasive that captures the essence of the ‘product’. To conclude this baking segment, I would do the obvious: eat. I’ll be enjoying my banana bread or miso blondies with a nice coffee, one that tastes better than the coffee I got at my internship.

My coffee on Monday

On Monday after I wake up, I will go for a run, shower, have breakfast, and then go to the office. This routine is the same as the weeks before. BUT: once I get to the office, I can change my email signature to ‘Marketing & Communication’ instead of my current signature ‘Marketing Intern’. So, that’s one change. And, say I meet someone new at the office, I can tell them I did (past tense) my internship at the company, but now, for the summer, I’m working there. Sounds kind of cool, right?

Anyway, after changing my email signature I can get myself a cappuccino, which is, as I’ve mentioned before, not great, but I’ve grown to like them better than when I started my internship. Then, I will just get to work. Forward and answer emails, compose a newsletter to send out on Tuesday, make a few social media posts (on Canva!) and some other tasks I will surely find during the day. A bonus: I’ll get paid for my work.





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