CW Stageblog

A “Typical” Day as a Communication Intern

Let me start this post by saying no day at most internships is very typical. I guess the raw frame stays the same, from waking up to going to work, having lunch and going home, but the rest is unique. Fortunately, I had the opportunity to work from the office and have the face to face interaction with my team. Especially after COVID-19 times and studying a lot online, I was happy to be back in an offline environment. Okay, but now coming back to the essence of this blog entry and its title of it: How was a not-so-typical day as a communication intern? On most days, and I already want to apologize for using the word “most” so often, I got to work at 9 am. First things first, coffee, 😉 A little chat with whoever is there and then on to work. I would either have a quick check-in with my supervisor if there was something special on that day, or I would just check our internal management tool for open tasks. My general tasks would range from creating presentation slides for clients, working on social media accounts and creating posts or doing field research. As the company has clients from various industries, I spend a lot of my time researching their fields, exploring their competition and establishing a general field analysis. My background as a communication science student came here really in handy as we used to do a lot of different research during the program. For lunch, I would normally get something from outside or as we also had a kitchen, I liked to cook for me and my colleagues. A little tip, this is definitely a great way to get to know your team and learn about their culinary culture and preferences. This is something I would try to do as much as possible, really try to become a part of the team, and make the effort, trust me, it will be worth it. After lunch, I would further work down my task list and then at the end of the day I would sometimes have another check-in to see what got done today, but this was not always the case. Apart from just going to the office and working there, I had the great opportunity to be part of various events that my company organized, like clothing events and art exhibitions. All in all I had an amazing time and as said before the most important thing is to get involved, be proactive and don’t be scared to try new things, you’ll figure it out!



